Dr Heather Turner

I am a statistical consultant with experience in supporting research in the life and social sciences. I have particular expertise in the areas of statistical modelling and statistical programming using the open source software R. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Statistics Department at the University of Warwick.
Services I can provide include:
For any enquiries, please contact me via email or LinkedIn.
I am currently fundraising for a series of R workshops and meetups in Southern Africa. The events are organized by Forwards, the R Foundation taskforce for women and other under-represented groups, to support the development of the R community in countries neighbouring South Africa. See the crowdfunder page for further details.
February 29, 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the release of R version 1.0.0. This anniversary will be celebrated in a two-day event, CelebRation 2020, in Copenhagen, Denmark, February 28-29. A day of workshops will be followed by a day of invited talks covering the past, the present, and the future of the R programming language. I will present on the topic "Moving Forwards: Greater Equity and Inclusion in the R Community".
I will be a keynote speaker at Johannesburg satRday 2020 and will be running a package development workshop using the materials developed by the Forwards teaching team. Scholarships are available for women living in South Africa or elsewhere in Africa with visa-free access to South Africa, apply here (deadline midnight SAST, Friday 31 January 2020).
I am on the program committee for eRum2020, the European R Users Meeting in Milan, 27-30, May 2020. Abstract submission closes 29 January 2020.
For 2020, the R Foundation are piloting a European hub in Munich, Germany, to run in parallel with the main useR! conference in St Louis, USA, July 7-10, 2020. Check out the latest information for useR! 2020 in St Louis or the useR! 2020 Eurpean Hub in Munich. I will be joining others from Forwards to run a breakout session on diversity, equity and inclusion.
I work with a number of consultancies, in particular: